The public health problem of food insecurity and diet quality also affects the elderly population. This project aims to estimate the prevalence of food insecurity and its associations with health-related quality of life characteristics among elderly population living in urban versus rural areas. Poor diet is associated with a number of adverse health outcomes; adequate nutrition is related to large number of factors, including geographic access to healthy foods. Access to healthy foods can be especially challenging for elderly individuals with limited access to private or public transport or with own mobility limitations. In addition, some elderly may have reduce access to healthy foods because of the unavailability of food outlets in their neighbourhoods. To develop effective dietary strategies and public policy supporting the healthy ageing, understanding of determinants of food choices and changes in food preferences is thus the utmost importance.
Dzurova, D., Jarolimek, J. (2020): Šířeni pandemie COVID-19 napřič geografickými i sociálními hranicemi: dokážeme mu čelit? Geografie 125, 1, 1–20, IF= 0,540
Pal`encia, L., Ferrando, J., Marí-Dell’Olmo, M., Gotsens, M., Morrison, J., Dzurova, D., Lustigova, M., Costa, C., Rodríguez-Sanz, M., Bosakova, L, Santana, P., Borrell, C. (2020): Socio-economic inequalities on cancer mortality in nine European areas: The effect of the last economic recession, Cancer Epidemiology, 69, 1-8, IF=2.179
Lustigova, M., Dzurova, D., COSTA, C., SANTANA, P. (2019): Health Disparities in Czechia and Portugal at Country and Municipality Levels, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(7), 1139 IF= 2,145
Borrell, C., Palencia, L., Dell’Olmo, M., M., Morrisson, J., Deboosere, P., Gotsens, M., Dzurova, D., Costa, C., Lustigova, M., Burstrom, B., Rodrı´guez-Sanz, M., Bosakova, L., Zengarin, N., Katsouyanni, K., Santana, P. (2019): Socioeconomic inequalities in suicide mortality in European urban areas before and during the economic recession, The European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 30, No. 1, 92–98 IF=2.234
Dzúrová, D., Spilková, J., Vraný, M. (2016): Substance misuse and its risk perception in European teenagers, Children's Geographies, Volume 14, Issue 2, 203-216, DOI:10.1080/14733285.2015.1028895, IF=1,411
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